Lebanese hash

Lebanese Hash is a highly esteemed cannabis concentrate originating from Lebanon, a region with a long and storied history of hashish production. This particular variety is known for its exceptional quality, nuanced flavors, and traditional handcrafted methods.

Lebanese Hash is often produced through a meticulous process that involves collecting resin from the cannabis plant, typically using techniques like dry-sieving or hand-rubbing. This results in a hashish with a smooth texture and a range of colors, from light beige to darker tones.

Known for its refined and mellow effects, Lebanese Hash offers users a well-balanced experience. The flavor profile is characterized by earthy, spicy, and sometimes sweet notes, contributing to a distinctive and enjoyable taste.

Coveted by connoisseurs for its authenticity and regional character, Lebanese Hash stands as a testament to Lebanon’s rich hashish-producing heritage. Whether appreciated for recreational use or its potential therapeutic benefits, Lebanese Hash is a symbol of quality craftsmanship and the artistry inherent in traditional hash production.

Lebanese hash


Lebanese Hash is a highly esteemed cannabis concentrate originating from Lebanon, a region with a long and storied history of hashish production. This particular variety is known for its exceptional quality, nuanced flavors, and traditional handcrafted methods.

Lebanese Hash is often produced through a meticulous process that involves collecting resin from the cannabis plant, typically using techniques like dry-sieving or hand-rubbing. This results in a hashish with a smooth texture and a range of colors, from light beige to darker tones.

Known for its refined and mellow effects, Lebanese Hash offers users a well-balanced experience. The flavor profile is characterized by earthy, spicy, and sometimes sweet notes, contributing to a distinctive and enjoyable taste.

Coveted by connoisseurs for its authenticity and regional character, Lebanese Hash stands as a testament to Lebanon’s rich hashish-producing heritage. Whether appreciated for recreational use or its potential therapeutic benefits, Lebanese Hash is a symbol of quality craftsmanship and the artistry inherent in traditional hash production.


1g, 3.5 g, 7 g, 14 g, 28 g, 56 g, 112 g, 224 g, 448 g


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